It is true that a handful of law makers and law protectors of our country have been reported of practicing heinous & unfair means. I agree that the system certainly does need a drastic correction particularly in their mind set but I do not agree that retaliation with violence is the only answer to tackle this situation. Take an example- a car does not start because of moisture in its carburetor. Would you open the bonnet, check on few points, call for a mechanic, try repairing the fault OR would you start hammering the car all over, break several parts, remove the seats, burn the electronic circuits and leave the car abandoned on the middle of a road making it useless for any body? Our system is like this car.
Today few among the powerful are at fault and a group takes on to murder to snatch this power, tomorrow when the same group becomes powerful what is the guarantee that the same might not get corrupt and misuse power? That the same will not behave like the ones whom we do not leave a chance to condemn. You can check on the history of the world, imbalanced power distribution has always been detrimental. Germany, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc etc I can go on & on.
An e-group member in a posting after the Nayagarh naxal attack had stated that he was happy that no common person had been killed and only police personnel suffered lethal casualties. I feel sad .It is very easy to sit on a pc / laptop and write this. Please visit the families of the police men who died. It will be criminal on our part to state that the ones who died are insignificant. One must not forget that they lost their lives doing their duty, protecting you & me. In the state assembly and the parliament proceedings we often hear xyz number of armed personnel laid their life. It brings a lot of pain to me because the man who dies in that xyz number has a two year old daughter, 20 year old wife, 43 year old mother & a 49 year old father. The fear, pain, anger and helplessness on their faces haunt me at times. The man in that xyz number was just like you or me. I can say so because I had visited Nayagarh soon after the attack had taken place and had interacted with the effected.
One must understand that acquiring power & a position, which matters to influence the lives of the general, is extremely difficult but it is even more difficult to stay uncorrupted & be righteous after one has attained the same. I know that the violence outfits think that using terror, violence, kidnapping, murder to acquire power is the only way out cause that is the only way the world listens to them. I call it acquiring momentary power, cause, like every thing else on this earth, power & command too are not permanent. My suggestion to the violence group is, if we have to kill then let’s kill the cause which compels a common, happy go lucky boy or girl to join an out fit which lives in the hiding, leads a very tough life, does not have freedom and is always under pressure. A group, which many name as Under World, Naxals, Maoists, Terrorists etc who for many reasons are given a tag as the people from the dark side. I suggest if we have to kill then let’s finish the cause, which compels this rebel in us and not some incidental instrument.
I will be very happy to see a few minds ticking on this, a few minds understanding & reacting to what I am saying. Suggest possible means of improvising the system & the counter system. Please do not be on a fault finding & criticizing mode always. Please think on what can be done on a progressive note. Share your ideas. Yes you my friend, who just read this bit, don’t just switch over to another subject. Think, because thinking, creative & expressive brains are a desperate need of the time.
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